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[fetchmail]Fetchmail configuration problems

2001-07-01 13:52:48
Recently, my ISP changed the authentication requirements for their mail
server--it now supports CRAM-MD5 authentication (yay!)

Unfortunately, it seems that this needs additional setup at their end, which
I'm waiting on. In the meantime, I'm trying to configure fetchmail to
continue using plaintext (username/password) authentication, instead of
allowing it to default to the most secure option available (which isn't
working--presumably 'cause the authentication token hasn't been set up at
their end yet).

I know what options I am supposed to use (auth password), but I haven't been
able to figure out *where* in the config file this keyword needs to go
(everything I've tried ends in a 'parse error at password' message).

I'm using fetchmail 5.8.0-35 (SuSE 7.2 Pro), and my config file looks
approximately like the following (n.b. this config has worked perfectly for
over a year):

# Comments
set <option>

poll <friendlyname> via <servername>
  with proto POP3 timeout 30 and options nodns
  user <username> there with password <password> is <username> here

Where the heck to I put the 'auth password' keywords, or am I even using the
correct keywords?


David M. Breakey

Professional Lum Addict

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