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Re: [fetchmail]fetchmail problem in delivering to MTA

2001-11-06 10:39:04
From: Mainuddin Chowdhury <mainuddin(_at_)prime-bank(_dot_)com>

We have setup an Intranet Server (Intra1) where our mail server is running. It is connected with at gateway machine where our fetchmail is running in demon mode. We have a registered domain name with a local ISP and all mails to this domain are stored in a POP account at the server of ISP. We require to down load all the mails from that account and distribute them to recepient accounts at Intranet Sever. But when we run the fetchmail it down loads all the mails to root account at Intranet Server.

.fetchmailrc file contains

poll mail.bdonline.com proto pop3 user citech passwork cii2t3 smtphost Intra1

It's only doing what you've told it to - collect all email from account "citech" and to deliver it to the account that fetchmail was run as.

Try looking at the multidrop section of the man page...

Rob  |  Please ask questions the smart way:

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