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[fetchmail]Help with multidrop config

2001-12-08 17:12:04
Hi all,

I'm new to fetchmail and so the answer is probably simple, but I can't seem to 
work it out myself...

Let's say I have an account at an ISP let's say it's 
(hypothetically :) michaeld(_at_)senet(_dot_)com(_dot_)au   I also have a alias 
there called 
"susied(_at_)senet(_dot_)com(_dot_)au" that gets redirected to "michaeld".

On my laptop I have 2 users, "mikey" and "susie".  I'd like:
"michaeld(_at_)senet(_dot_)com(_dot_)au" email to go to "mikey", and 
"susied(_at_)senet(_dot_)com(_dot_)au" to go to "susie".

So I started with 

poll pop.senet.com.au : 
 protocol pop3 username "michaeld" password "whycan'tiunderstandfetchmail" to 
   'michaeld'='mikey' 'susied'='susie' here 

... which works fine for "michaeld", as "michaeld" email gets sent to "mikey", 
but "susied" email goes to "mikey" as well! with the following complaint in 
the "susied" addressed email:

X-Fetchmail-Warning: recipient address susied(_at_)senet(_dot_)com(_dot_)au 
didn't match any 
local name. 

Now of course there IS a "susie" local user.

grep susie /etc/passwd

So what am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,

Michael Davies                "Do what you think is interesting, do
michaeld(_at_)senet(_dot_)com(_dot_)au          something that you think is fun 
mirky on irc                   worthwhile, because otherwise you won't
                               do it well anyway." -- Brian Kernighan

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