On 16:56 07 Feb 2002, macky <sm(_at_)opusvl(_dot_)com> wrote:
| I need to run this as just a command line with no disk files, for example,
| using rsh on a remote system with no rc or config files:
| fetchmail mail.example.com -u macky -p MyPasWrd -S
Maybe I misunderstand you:
- you want the password to come from somewhere
- you want it not on the command line
- you want the command line to be the only source of data
Aren't these contradictory? If not, what kind of thing would you be
looking for?
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743 cs(_at_)zip(_dot_)com(_dot_)au
Why is it you're tormenting me?
Because I'm a demon, you imbecile. I don't send singing telegrams, I torment.
It's what I *do*. That's why I'm called a demon instead of the Easter Bunny.