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Re: [fetchmail]Missed Messages

2002-03-05 22:30:32
Brian Foddy wrote:
I would think that the several mentions in the documentation about
how careful fetchmail is about not deleting from the server
until its been successfully accepted by the delivery program,
(faq D3 and others)
and this report pointing out a glaring hole, would have
generated at least 1 reply or feedback message.

But not a single reply.

RTFM.  550 is one of the error codes that fetchmail recognizes as an
antispam code, so it just drops the message:

|       The fetchmail code recognizes and discards the message  on
|       any  of  a  list  of responses that defaults to [571, 550,
|       501, 554] but can be set with the `antispam' option.  This
|       is  one  of the only three circumstance under which fetch­
|       mail ever discards mail (the others are the  552  and  553
|       errors   described   below,   and   the   suppression   of
|       multidropped messages with a message-ID already seen).

On Sun, 03 Mar 2002 16:45:00 -0600, Brian Foddy wrote:
Due to a recently misconfigured hosts.allow/deny, my localhost
sendmail was unavailable to fetch mail.  A fetchmail -v included
the statement of:

fetchmail: SMTP< 550 5.0.0 Access denied"

User error, I'll admit that.  But fetchmail still deleted all the mail off
the remote IMAPS server and doesn't have appeared to have
stored it anywhere I can find.  Effectively deleting all my
mail during this time period.

==============================|   "A microscope locked in on one point
 Rob Funk <rfunk(_at_)funknet(_dot_)net> |Never sees what kind of room that 
it's in"
 http://www.funknet.net/rfunk |    -- Chris Mars, "Stuck in Rewind"

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