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[fetchmail]Support for SIMS: X-Real-To??

2002-05-26 19:48:35
Fetchmail/SIMS Users:

Although I understand Multidrop from a single POP Account can create
"problems", I am interested in accessing a "Unified Domain-Wide Account"  
of MAC's SIMS <http://www.stalker.com/SIMS/>!  With a UDWA SIMS adds the
Envelope Address as a "X-Real-To" Header (same idea as "X-Envelope-To"),
but when specifying that FETCHMAIL (RH 6.2 5.9.0-9) reports "no local
matches" and forwards all accounts to the Postmaster.  SIMS's "X-Real-To"  
Header contains ONLY the local username (missing the UDWA's Domain), is
that the reason it is NOT being accepted/found by FETCHMAIL or is a full
"Received" type Header (with Mailhost and "for" Fields) required???


Larry Houston  --  (larry(_at_)boyd(_dot_)geog(_dot_)mcgill(_dot_)ca)

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