I had a misplaced CRLF in the .fetchmailrc file that went unchecked for
a day and a half. it split the line:
user 'username' there with password 'XY' is 'user' here options fetchall
in the middle of "here" so it read:
user 'username' there with password 'XY' is 'user' he
re options fetchall
I fixed the error however my question is this the log is full of the
following errors:
fetchmail: reading message username(_at_)192(_dot_)168(_dot_)97(_dot_)252:4 of
13 (2611 oc
tets) fetchmail: SMTP error: 553 5.1.3 <@localhost>... User address required
fetchmail: flushed
Is there anyway to recover the email messages flushed from the
server? are they on the box running fetchmail? The fetchmail daemon
was running as a single user. Was working fine before the .fetchmailrc
The userid being retreived and the local user id are different.
It didn't deliver it to the user running the Daemon
fetchmail v6.1.2
running on Redhat v8.