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Re: [fetchmail] Re: keep and top

2003-05-26 07:06:53
Kee Hinckley wrote:

I don't think that's the point.  The point is that fetchmail may not
be the only program accessing the server.  Some users may need to
fetch while leaving messages unread for *other* clients.

That's what the "keep" flag is for. It has probably the same
functionality as e.g. Outlooks corresponding feature, i.e. the client
keeps track of already downloaded messages (by the UIDL). Concerning TOP
vs. RETR: AFAIC there is no email-client (somebody correct me if I'm
wrong) that downloads the complete (not partial or headers only!)
message with TOP. The only good for doing so is to outwit servers that
delete RETRieved messages (sorry for repeating myself) or using "keep"
with really old servers that have no UIDL but only LAST (but that should
go into a configure option, just like POP2).

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