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RE: [fetchmail]Single user, multiple IMAP accounts w/ IDLE

2004-03-07 09:56:35
-----Original Message-----
From: fetchmail-friends-admin(_at_)lists(_dot_)ccil(_dot_)org 
[mailto:fetchmail-friends-admin(_at_)lists(_dot_)ccil(_dot_)org] On Behalf Of 
Adam Nielsen

Basically, I just want the three remote IMAP accounts to be connected
all the time, and the instant mail comes in it gets delivered to the
correct folder in my local mail directory.  If the remote IMAP server
disconnects, fetchmail will keep trying to reconnect every few minutes
until it succeeds, where it will continue idling again.

So, set up 3 accounts that have identical fetchmail setups except for the
remote mailbox they parse.  Have each pass mail to your local SMTP server
and let it handle delivery.

Trying to pass directly to the LDA actually only complicates things IMO.

PLEASE - keep list traffic on the list.  Email sent directly to me may be
ignored utterly.

Rob | What part of "no" was it you didn't understand?