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Re: [fetchmail]Re: [BUG] fetchmail hangs during pop3 pull after a mail with a null char

2004-08-25 10:00:30
Rob MacGregor wrote:

On Wed, 25 Aug 2004 11:09:20 +0100, David Greaves 
<david(_at_)dgreaves(_dot_)com> wrote:
No, I don't think so. :) Good (small) unix friendly ISP running Debian.

Well, it's still broken - NULL is not a valid character in an email
(unless it's 8 bit AFAIK).
But who's responsibility is it to change the body of an email?
Bounce if you are not 'generous in that which you accept', but never alter :)
From the source comments I feel that fetchmail aspires to be very generous.

That might workaround the bug but it could then be triggered by another
bounce-causing problem.

Well, I've never seen this happen in any other case, so I suspect the
problem is unique.  However you may want to contact the developer list
(do a google for "fetchmail berlios") and provide a pointer to the
archive of this thread.  They may not be following this list.
It could be. I could also be totally wrong - it happens (more often than I'd like too ;) )
Thanks for the pointer.
