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Re: [fetchmail]no '\n' at the last line

2004-10-15 06:53:18
Rodolfo Borges <barrett(_at_)9hells(_dot_)org> writes:

Or just write a script that watches the logfile, detect the situation,
and telnet mail.example.com 110 to delete the message.

Rodolfo, Brian Candler (I reported the problem to the -devel list, too)
suggests that you use "tcpdump -i eth0 -n -s1500 -X tcp port 110" to see
if it's fetchmail's or the server's fault, next time it hangs.

You may need to replace the eth0 by the interface that you're connecting
over, might be hme0 on Solaris, ppp0 for modem or DSL or ippp0 for ISDN
on Linux or something else.

Be sure to search for your password in the hexdump and remove it before
mailing the tcpdump!

Matthias Andree

Encrypted mail welcome: my GnuPG key ID is 0x052E7D95 (PGP/MIME preferred)

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