Hello *,
I have a FileServer with ~80 $USER curently. Because I am fetching
for all $USER the messages with fetchmail and filter it with procmail/
fprot/spamassassin I was running into resources trouble if some $USER
fetch there Messages parallel... 512 MByte Memory was not enough.
Now I have set fetchmail to 700 and the $USER can not use it
anymore :-)
OK, then I have created a Script (run from /etc/cron.d/tdfetchmail)
which check one $USER after one and verify whether the
$HOME/.tdfetchmail/mail.fetch is there or not...
If it is there my "tdfetchmail" script downloads the messages from the
accounts in the "mail.fetch" file (multiple files can be specified) :-)
Now the Problem:
If a $USER want to disable on of his/her accounts like:
poll mx.freenet.de protocol imap
user email1 with password secret1 is the_user here
# user email2 with password secret2 is the_user here
user email3 with password secret3 is the_user here
user email4 with password secret4 is the_user here
Then it works without any problems...
But if it is only:
poll mx.freenet.de protocol imap
# user email1 with password secret1 is the_user here
then I (root) become bombed by fetchmail with:
fetchmail: can't find a password for root(_at_)mx(_dot_)freenet(_dot_)de(_dot_)
Is there a possibility to avoid fetchmail to try to fetch my ISP's
root-account ?
I mean, if there is only a line of
poll mx.freenet.de protocol imap
that fetchmail does not try to fetch anything ?
This will a very good feature which I am curenty missing.
Another question: Is <fetchmail-users(_at_)lists(_dot_)berlios(_dot_)de> not
more active ?
Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
Michelle Konzack Apt. 917 ICQ #328449886
50, rue de Soultz MSM LinuxMichi
0033/3/88452356 67100 Strasbourg/France IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com)
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