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[fetchmail]Rejecting large messages when using "sendmail" for delivery

2005-06-28 05:35:02
Hi, I have a problem with my config where a large message is being downloaded again and again and again.

I have postfix installed locally and was finding problems with feeding mail in via SMTP to do with some spam messages being bounced when I really want them accepted and filtered locally as spam. So I am now doing delivery via the "sendmail" commandline app.

However, I have a user with a 23Mb email in their pop box and my postfix limit here is 20Mb, and the sendmail command appears to be rejecting the message with a return code "69" and so the message is not flushed and 5 mins later we download this beast again...

Can anyone suggest how I can reconfigure fetchmail to work around this? I can't see how I can reconfigure the return codes when I am using a command line delivery

I could use the "-l" option, but this seems to leave the mail on the server and send warnings to the recipient. This is supposed to be used in an ISP type environment, so really I would prefer to bounce the message back to the orig sender and hence get them to resend it in a smaller format.

Any suggestions?


Ed W