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[fetchmail]Help replacing MDaemon

2005-09-12 10:54:15
I'm a young Linux user trying to migrate a Win-MDaemon service to 
The problem is i'm stuck in the process of downloading the email  from my isp, 
since it's done using the MDaemon feature domainPOP.
I'm using fetchmail to download the messages using the following 
~/.fetchmailrc file:
poll "isp.domain.com" with proto pop3 envelope X-Envelope-To localdomains
mydomain.com localdomain:
username "my_user_id"
password "my_pass"
Sendmail is apparently working ok, since messages get in and out ok.
The problem is that all emails are getting into root's mailbox. Meaning:
I use an external email address to send an email to
But as the fetchmail fetches them from isp i see the log and the command 
fetchmail passes to the sendmail is: RCPT TO: root(_at_)localhost
The config above is like that because i found it in the list's archives 
describing a similar problem
Is there any suggestions anyone of you could make?
What am i missing?
Thanks in advance.
Victor Manuel


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