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Re: [fetchmail]SMTP problem

2005-09-30 09:15:03
Bo Grimes wrote:
Rob MacGregor wrote:
Hmmm, try opening up /etc/aliases - set the group ownership to numeric
112.  That may fix all your problems.

If by that you mean chmod 112 /etc/aliases, as root obviously, then it
didn't work,

He meant you should chgrp, not chmod.
Now you need to "chmod 644 /etc/aliases" because 112 is almost the oposite 
of the permissions you want there.

You also need a local POP/IMAP server.

Crap!  Not a popserver anywhere, locally.  Doh!  :Smacking forehead:::

No, don't worry about it.  Really.

What you want with fetchmail is:
ISP ---> Fetchmail ---> Local SMTP ---> Local spool (/var/mail/fred)
And then mutt reads the /var/mail/fred file.

A POP/IMAP server just adds a step that's unnecessary here.  In that case 
it would actually look like:
ISP ---> Fetchmail ---> Local SMTP ---> Local spool ---> POP/IMAP server
Because the POP/IMAP server has to read the mail from somewhere.

I still don't understand how mail in Evolution gets from my machine to
my isp, though, but I'm not that concerned about it at the moment if
it's not useful for this discussion.

Evolution talks SMTP to your ISP when sending mail, the same way Exim or 
Postfix or Sendmail would send mail to another machine.
Evolution is a big all-in-one program, while the traditional Unix side of 
things tends to take more of a one-program-per-task approach

==============================|   "A microscope locked in on one point
 Rob Funk <rfunk(_at_)funknet(_dot_)net> |Never sees what kind of room that 
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 http://www.funknet.net/rfunk |    -- Chris Mars, "Stuck in Rewind"

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