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Re: [fetchmail]Multiple accounts on the same server using SSL

2006-01-31 00:48:52
On 1/31/06, redondos <redondos(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com> wrote:
Hello, I am new to the list and would like some help with a small issue I'm
having. This one was really impossible to find, so I apologize if this
problem has been issued before, I probably just couldn't find the right

If you trawl the new lists's archive (see http://fetchmail.berlios.de)
you'll find a thread on getting fetchmail working with GMail.  You'll
also find what's probably a more recent version of fetchmail that
fixes a number of security problems, and an SSL issue.

The long answer is, ssl is just another user keyword, treat it as you
would all the other user keywords:

poll pop.provider.net
    user fred with pass thing ssl
    user jane with pass wossit ssl

                 Please keep list traffic on the list.
Rob MacGregor
      Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he
        doesn't become a monster.                  Friedrich Nietzsche

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