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Re: Multipart/Alternative

1993-01-05 20:32:37
Excerpts from mail: 5-Jan-93 Re: I had an accident "Terry
Crowley"@diamond. (2221)

I assume the "buttons" can be easily expanded by selecting on them?

Yes, that's the idea.

The most obvious approach is to just make both versions available and let the
user see and decide which version to use for retrieval.  However, that 
the "minimal conformance" guidelines of MIME (only one alternative should
be shown).  Any thoughts on this particular usage?
Yeah, I think the guidelines are not great.  How would you feel about
saying that "only at most one alternative should be automatically
displayed to the user without a specific request from the user to
display additional alternatives"?  I think that's closer to the spirit
of why the conformance guidelines say anything at all about
multipart/alternative, which is to keep people from being subjected to
annoying unnecessary repetition of the same data.  

Sound like an improvement?  -- Nathaniel

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