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Re: simpletext: an alternative to Richtext

1993-01-22 18:52:08
Bill Janssen writes an interesting note on simpletext, which I
happen to like. just one comment: the footnotes I am in doubt that
it is needed. Footnotes are normally printed at the bottom of
a printed page or at the end of the writing. It does not bear too
well over in the electonic mail world, where there is a less sharp
definition of where a page ends - you can scroll up and down on
your screen, and if the text is cited in another text, it is most
likely misaligned.

If Bill means comments, and not footnotes, this can be adequately
put within parenthenses, this is also normal practice (at least
we do it so in Danish and also other European languages).

Furthermore I did not like the choice of [] as these many places
represent letters, for example in Denmark. 
