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Re: Updated MIME "fix" list

1993-02-07 14:56:27
Greg Vaudreuil writes:

Thanks to all who sent comments on the initial list of issues and
proposed resolutions for the next MIME version.  I have attempted to
incorporate all the suggestions and new issues into a single list.
Please note that I have been unable to read all the SGML/Richtext/Wide
Character discussions but have skimmed them for new issues.  If I
missed something please let me know.

I have requested some support for the MNEM charset,
as defined in RFC1345. The MNEM charset can convey all of the
ISO 10646 characters without any information loss, and it can
be dispayed on equipment with very modest capabilities, only
ASCII is required. The charset's characters outside the ASCII charset
is moderately readable, in a fashion similar to what some people
write in hand when the real characters are not available.
This charset is thus very adequate if you want to interoperate with
persons with minimal capability equipment.

The support requested is that a MIME compliant UA should recognize the
MNEM charset and just display the characters as ASCII. No support
with translating tables are requested. 


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