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Re: Mail header registry?

2000-10-13 12:17:11
At 12.36 +0100 0-10-13, Graham Klyne wrote:
Hi all,

I just surfed to the IANA site expecting to find of registry of mail message headers (per rfc822, etc), only to find none.

Is there such a registry?  Should there be?

If there is/was such a registry, should MIME headers be in the same registry, or a different one?

FWIW, I think:

(a) such a registry would be a Good Thing

(b) MIME headers should be in the same registry, as they occupy the same collision domain in mail messages

I wrote an ietf draft on a mail header registry some years'
ago. The interest was rather lukewarm, but if I could
send it in again and ask the area managers to evaluate it.

You can find links to the proposal I wrote at

The closest thing which exists to such a registry is
the document you can find links to at

It was published as an RFC many years ago,
the page above has links to a much updated version,
which I should send in for publication as a new
Jacob Palme <jpalme(_at_)dsv(_dot_)su(_dot_)se> (Stockholm University and KTH)
for more info see URL:

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