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Re: I-D ACTION:draft-klyne-msghdr-registry-02.txt

2002-02-01 11:45:18

So what am I saying?  I'm saying that I think we should do everything we
can to (1) document what's out there (not "bless" it, but "document" it),
and (2) make it easier to document it in the future, and to avoid
collisions of conflicting usages.  And if that means having
"X-Stupid-Field" in that list, then that's what it means. 

I don't think there's any disagreement on those things.  But I think
some of us have digressed from a conversation about the desirability
of the registry, to a conversation about the desirability of X-

But I don't think we need to have consensus on the desirability of 
X- Fields in order to decide what should go into the registry.
