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Re: I-D ACTION:draft-klyne-msghdr-registry-02.txt

2002-02-03 21:48:00

On 2/3/02 at 9:42 PM -0500, Keith Moore wrote:

If we can come up with a review process to assign such a rating, I'd be willing to have the registry accept almost everything. But I still think there would be a need for the review process to be able to refuse a registration - for instance...
[Abuses listed]

OK, maybe we can close in on an answer here. The current document states:

   The IESG MAY appoint a domain expert to control registration if it is
   judged that the facility is being abused.

Now, personally I think that most of the abuses you cite won't actually happen and that there is certainly utility in having easy registration. However, I certainly accept that such abuses theoretically possible. Would it be enough if the expert was able to unregister such fields if they were deemed of this sort? I take it that having a stupid registration of this sort in the registry for 24-48 hours has limited potential for widespread damage.

(For the record, I really couldn't care less about the "vanity" folks. If people want a "vanity" field name, we can deal with that in the "technically bad" category below.)

There's a second class of things that are bad technically -
In those cases it might be better to document what's bad about the idea than to just refuse to register it.

Right. In this case, however, I think what we do is shift the "burden of proof": If you want to register a header field in the "non-standard" registry, that's all well and good, but the IETF may, by some consensus process, put a note on your registration that says, "This is boneheaded; don't use". What we want to do is get the bar lowered enough so that some benign and widely deployed header field can be registered and documented without having to wait for consensus on "the best way to do this".

But I would still not want for such registrations to automatically preempt other uses of the same field name.

I don't see any big problem if field names get taken; there are plenty of words (and combinations thereof) that can be used for a field name and I find it hard to imagine us running out of ways to express a particular concept in a field name. However, if there really is such a problem, would the above unregistration mechanism solve this?

Also, I view the idea that anybody can define whatever header fields they wish, as similar to the idea that anybody can define whatever top-level domains he wishes.

I don't find the comparison at all apt, and actually I think you are being hyperbolic. Operationally and socially, large numbers of TLDs would have a serious effect on the behaviors of lots of people. I don't see an equivalence in header fields.

In any case, what I really want to know is:

- Is it enough to have the IESG set up a policeman only if it turns out that there are abuses?
- Is it OK that new registrations are "innocent until proven guilty"?

My personal take is "yes" on both.

Pete Resnick <mailto:presnick(_at_)qualcomm(_dot_)com>
QUALCOMM Incorporated - Direct phone: (858)651-4478, Fax: (858)651-1102