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Re: Fwd: I-D ACTION:draft-klyne-msghdr-registry-02.txt

2002-02-10 13:06:13

We would be making much more progress on this argument if people stopped
taking extreme positions, and instead started to look for the middle
ground. There has been much suggested for the middle ground, but it is
getting ignored as the artillery continues to fly overhead.

I don't believe my position is extreme at all.  Over the past 10+ 
years I have seen several attempts by individuals to introduce protocol 
extensions that would fundamentally change some aspect of how 
the protocol works, compromise security or privacy, or were so 
poorly done as to degrade interoperability - often with some 
"success".  It's precisely because I've seen so many examples of 
this, and I've seen the harm that it has done, that I've adopted 
my position.

I have also tried to suggest a 'middle ground' which would allow
easier and faster registration of extensions while still providing 
community review.   While I'm not entirely comfortable with this 
proposal, I do accept that it can take a long time to get an RFC 
published, and that this can be a barrier to deployment of useful
new features.  We've had some success with other 'expedited review'
processes for other kinds of protocol extensions (charsets, 
content-types), and I what I proposed is similar to those mechanisms.


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