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Re: RFC 2047 and gatewaying

2003-01-12 20:12:14

In <3E1F4614(_dot_)70105(_at_)Sonietta(_dot_)blilly(_dot_)com> Bruce Lilly 
<blilly(_at_)erols(_dot_)com> writes:

....  Drop the raw utf-8 nonsense and move on to somthing that has
a non-zero chance of baing (a) standardized and (b) implemented.

The chances of getting it standardized may or may not be zero. But the
chances of it being implemented are certainbly non-zero, because
implementations already exist.

Charles H. Lindsey ---------At Home, doing my own thing------------------------
Tel: +44 161 436 6131 Fax: +44 161 436 6133   Web:
Email: chl(_at_)clw(_dot_)cs(_dot_)man(_dot_)ac(_dot_)uk      Snail: 5 
Clerewood Ave, CHEADLE, SK8 3JU, U.K.
PGP: 2C15F1A9      Fingerprint: 73 6D C2 51 93 A0 01 E7 65 E8 64 7E 14 A4 AB A5

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