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Re: [ietf-dkim] draft-ietf-dkim-base-00 submitted

2006-02-15 01:29:46
On Fri, Feb 03, 2006 at 12:44:29PM -0800, Eric Allman allegedly wrote:
The i-d draft-ietf-dkim-base-00 has been published.  This is the 
follow-on to draft-allman-dkim-base-01.

And a belated "Thank You" to Eric.

Like most WGs, there seems to be a posse of "G"as-baggers (such as
myself) and a tiny minority who actually do useful "W"ork. Eric has
clearly put in a lot of hard and thankless yards to get us to, what I
think is, an advanced and professional specification.

For those who are new to this list, the -00 designation could be
mis-construed as new, untested, unstable etc. Nothing could be further
from the truth. In terms of stability, a more accurate designation is
more along the lines of an -05 or -06.


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