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Re: [ietf-dkim] Lists "BCP" draft available

2010-07-25 04:39:02
Going back through a few months of mail on the flight to IETF, preparing to 
post an update to this draft...

The intent of that paragraph is actually not to encourage use of "l=", but 
rather just to include it in the discussion.  An MLM designer will probably 
want to try "l=" to solve this problem but may not be aware of the implications 
of its use, so it just points the reader back to the warning about it in 

For non-MIME mail, though, isn't a basic text append the way to do it?

From: Serge Aumont [mailto:serge(_dot_)aumont(_at_)cru(_dot_)fr]
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 7:38 AM
To: Murray S. Kucherawy
Cc: ietf-dkim(_at_)mipassoc(_dot_)org
Subject: Re: [ietf-dkim] Lists "BCP" draft available

Section 3.4
At last, another idea usefulness is that draft in   :
"A possible mitigation to this incompatibility is use of the "l=" tag to bound 
the portion of the body covered by the body hash, but this has security 
considerations (see Section 3.5 of [DKIM])."

The "l=" tag is one of the worth idea of DKIM if introduced because of message 
body footer added by some MLM. MLM must not add anything after the end of a 
message because this break Mime content. When adding a footer, MLM should add 
an extra mime part, and this often require to modify mime headers. So "l=" tag 
should not ne considered as an efficient way to protect DKIM signature.

I known that the problem is comming from rfc-4871 but I  propose to remove this 
sentence from this draft.

Serge Aumont

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