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Why DKIM useful and different from PGP or S/MIME

2005-07-16 12:45:13

 In fact this brings up another potential issue, which is that we really
 need to distinguish what we're doing here from what S/MIME and PGP do.


The -base document's Introduction says:

 The approach taken by DKIM differs from previous approaches to message
 signing (e.g. S/MIME, OpenPGP) in that:

 * the message signature is written to the message header fields so that
 neither human recipients nor existing MUA software are confused by
 signature-related content appearing in the message body

 * there is no dependency on public and private key pairs being issued by
 well-known, trusted certificate authorities

 * there is no dependency on the deployment of any new Internet protocols
 or services for public key distribution or revocation.

So, yes, there is a desire to make the differences clear.  

(Eric came up with a fourth bullet that didn't get included because 
neither he nor I could remember it.)

If the above bullets are not sufficient, folks should suggest and agree 
on additional points.

  Dave Crocker
  Brandenburg InternetWorking
  dcrocker  a t ...

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