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Re: wildcards

2005-07-17 08:35:35

On Sun, 17 Jul 2005, John R Levine wrote:

Uh, perhaps this would be a good time to reread the RFCs and learn
what an authority record is.

SOA is an authority section, I know.

Like I said, this would be a good time to reread the RFCs and learn what
an authority record is.  Because you've made it clear to the whole
mailsig list that you don't have a clue.

Authority section contains list of ns servers (among other things, but list of ns servers is what usually and supposed to go in authority) for given zone and in zone itself its "header" (of authority data) is SOA. Don't start saying things about it when I'm being brief (i.e. often incomplete) - I know dns quite well and I've written low-level dns resolver and simplistic (specific to some data) dns server as well.

My reading is that if you ask for SOA, you must get full authority data.
List of ns servers should also be possible to get when you do "NS" query.
I think NS query is in fact how bind tries to discover authoritive zone
if it does not get authority data some other way.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

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