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Re: Feedback on DKIM draft (long)

2005-07-19 08:30:16

On 2005-07-14 18:21:03 -0500, Earl Hood wrote:

* Section 3.3:

  There is unnecessary information here, and information that can
  lead to ambiguous implementations.

  When it comes to cryptography, you should reference cryptographic
  standard where appropriate since those standards are very explicit
  on algorithms and processes.  For example, you should explicitly
  specify RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5 signing and verification method must be
  used (which is defined in PKCS#1).

  Avoid "re-describing" algorithms unless you plan to use a custom
  signing method that is not defined in the PKCS specs, or other
  cryptographic-related standards.

  The term "native binary form" is ambiguous and riddled with problems.
  From a cryptographic perspective, ASN.1 DER rules are used for
  encoding all data, allowing for portability (another reason why
  crypto specs should be referenced).

Section 6.4 of draft-allman-dkim-base has similar problems, and
talks about "decrypting the signature using the signer's public key"
and comparing the "decrypted signature" to the hash.

Thomas Roessler, W3C   <tlr(_at_)w3(_dot_)org>

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