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Re: New Drafts being developed; invitation to join spf-discuss

2004-05-25 08:10:20

At 8:53 AM -0500 05/25/2004, wayne wrote:
Asking Meng alone to develop a new draft without input from the SPF
community would be like asking Andy and Marshall to develop a document
without consulting this working group.  I really hope you are not
requesting Meng to change the way the SPF spec has been created over
the last year or so.  I think a poorer draft will result if you do.

The draft Meng is creating now is a MARID draft, not an SPF spec.
Part of the working group process is that decisions made by the
group happen on public mailing lists which are subject to the IETF's
"note well" rules (RFC 2026, Section 10 and its successors--see ).  Individuals
may, of course, talk among themselves and so can design teams which
are working on *input* into a working group decision.

But "working subcommittees" working on non-IETF lists are not part of
our process; the working group makes decisions and it does its work
on lists subject to "note well".  That's a key part of  the IETF's openness
and of our transparency.
                                Ted Hardie
                                co-Area Director, Applications