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Re: Interaction with anti-spam systems (was Re: A spammer subscribed to this list ? )

2004-08-04 12:23:25


On Wed, Aug 04, 2004 at 02:59:31PM -0400, Alan DeKok wrote:

  e.g. I've talked to people who say that 90% of the SPF records they
see are from spammers.

  Why?  Because people are using SPF in conjunction with anti-spam
systems like Spamassassin, and giving *positive* scores to email which
passes SPF.  The end result is that spammers can *gain* by publishing
SPF records, as their spam is more likely to get through.

That's a very interesting point.

It means that spammers have (partly) changed their behavior and
started to use their own domains for sender addresses. 

Does anyone have examples of such domains?


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