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Re: on the topic of IPR

2004-08-27 10:29:31

Hallam-Baker, Phillip wrote:

The Web won because it had smarter marketechture. I didn't
spend two months selling the Web to the Clinton-Gore people
on a whim, we knew that the Whitehouse was going online and whoever set the Whitehouse spec would set the industry spec.

It's certainly true that superior marketing often allows inferior technology to triumph over rivals. I can think of one company that has proven that time and time again. However, I don't see how that really applies to this situation, unless you believe that if MARID adopts ClassicSPF over Sender-ID that Microsoft would ignore the IETF and push Sender-ID anyway, which would be a real shame. Has MS given any inclination that they will respect MARID regardless of what it produces?

I want Microsoft to be placed squarely in the firing line of all and any patent trolls that come after us. I have never had any difficulty with a piece of declared IPR, its the undeclared IPR owned by a law firm we should be worrying about.

Again with the fear. If we cower from adopting a great technology based solely on fear of some future threat, then the IP terrorists have already won.

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