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Re: Obvious (?) question about interoperability

1998-04-01 13:11:13
There has been a suggestion for a new-format length that would use the
length byte of 0xFF (which would ordinarily be a stream-chunk of 2GB) as a
marker for a four-octet length that follows. So you would see:


as a packet form. That lets someone bring in the whole packet without the
streaming mechanism. People sounded supportive of that, and my slides for
tomorrow have that on there as a feature I want to have in the next draft.

The above is implicitly a terminal packet-length


I want a rule that if the content of a packet is less than the maximum
terminal packet size (8192+192? bytes), then it MUST NOT be split up.

With the new packet type above, you can also require that things like
keys, signatures, etc. be monolithic even if they are larger than the
largest terminal length packet.  They either use a terminal small packet
length or the 0xff-4-octet form. 

So I vote for the new packet length type *and* forcing certain packets to
be monolithic.

Otherwise someone will use incremental lengths for each unit within a
subpacket, e.g. for an MPI integer <0xE1> 0x00 0xA0 <0xE4>...<0xE2>...
which is what I really don't want to have to handle.

--- reply to tzeruch - at - ceddec - dot - com ---

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