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Re: Specs & Planks

1998-05-20 12:23:00
On Wed, 20 May 1998, Jon Callas wrote:

At 10:18 AM 5/20/98 -0400, dontspam-tzeruch(_at_)ceddec(_dot_)com wrote:

   Shouldn't this be 17 = DSA
   Replace "V3 format" with "the V3 keyid"
   Delete.  This is not true - the "compressed" packet was on uncompressable
   data, so appeared as "plaintext".  If you check the compressed header, it
   says the correct number of bytes follow.
   * If an implemtation is using zlib
   spell check implementation.
All of these are fixed. Thank you, Tom. They're simple and obvious changes,
so I'm not sending any further diffs.

If I can make one other suggestion, tack this on to a running diff
message, and post that once or twice a week, or upload it to the ietf
site as drafts...03-errata or whatever.

If there are lots of tiny changes, they can accumulate and get lost.

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