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Re: KeyID as left vs right substring of fingerprint

2000-05-26 09:52:37
On Fri, 26 May 2000, hal(_at_)finney(_dot_)org wrote:

Or of course we could leave it as it is now.  I am still not convinced

Yes, please.  There is not that much difference in the code for either
of the ones.  Adding code for taking the keyid from the left side
just adds more complexity in terms of backward compatibilty and we
already have so much code just for backword issues.

that the universe is constructed such that left substrings are inherently
more natural than right ones.  Endian wars, anyone?

No, thanks.


Werner Koch                             OpenPGP key 621CC013
OpenIT GmbH                             tel +49 211 239577-0
Birkenstr. 12                           email   wk(_at_)OpenIT(_dot_)de
D-40233 Duesseldorf