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Re: Resolution on large-block ciphers (e.g., TWOFISH), PGP7

2000-07-17 16:06:03
On Mon, Jul 17, 2000 at 09:32:05AM -0700, hal(_at_)finney(_dot_)org wrote:
From owner-ietf-openpgp(_at_)mail(_dot_)imc(_dot_)org  Mon Jul 17 06:29:39 
From: "Michael Young" <mwy-opgp97(_at_)the-youngs(_dot_)org>
Subject: Re: Resolution on large-block ciphers (e.g., TWOFISH), PGP7

Yes, I meant Twofish, not Blowfish.

The draft I found at still says in section 5.5.3:
    - [Optional] If secret data is encrypted, eight-octet Initial
      Vector (IV).

This should now read "an IV of the same length as the cipher block"?

I suppose so.


   These are followed by an 8-octet Initial Vector for the decryption of
   the secret values, if they are encrypted, and then the secret key
   values themselves.

Do you do the CFB resets on MPI boundaries with V3 keys?  (I asked
about this in an earlier post noting all the places where the PGP-CFB
and the reset were done - I'll see if I can easily repost it).