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Re: Reasons to include ECC to our charter

2001-09-05 13:55:15

W/r/t Certicom's patents, I'm waiting to hear from a Simon Blake-Wilson at Certicom. I don't know if he's a crypto guy, a patent guy,or something else entirely. If someone knows him and has an email address, I'll pester him directly.

At 3:34 PM -0700 9/4/01, Jon Callas wrote:
I have no idea how to do that, myself. But if someone else does the work
and convinces us that it's generic, I say go for it. That's also why I said
to do an informational RFC, make a sample implementation, let someone hack
up GPG to work with it, and we'll see.

Dominikus' draft has proposals for changes. Is the proposal generic? Do the proposals conflict with 2440bis in any way? Are there implementations (and do they interoperate)? These are the issues, *if* we clear the IPR hurdle.

john noerenberg
  Peace of mind isn't at all superficial, really.  It's the whole thing.
  That which produces it is good maintenance; that which disturbs it
  is poor maintenance.
  -- Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert M. Pirsig, 1974