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Re: Further deprecating PGP2

2003-03-08 00:57:35

"Jeroen C. van Gelderen" <jeroen(_at_)vangelderen(_dot_)org> writes:
On Saturday, Mar 8, 2003, at 01:07 US/Eastern, Peter Gutmann wrote:
I've been using it for years without paying royalties to Ascom, and so has
.>most of the rest of the PGP-using world.  It's only if you're selling it for
more than $10K (from memory) that you need to talk to Ascom.

That would have had to be non-commercial use then[*]. 

Yup, it's for the (minute fraction of) email I receive that's encrypted.

Unfortunately (at least) people who run a business are considered commercial
users and required to pay a licensing fee to the IDEA patent holder.

In that case they can use an OpenPGP version (in fact I would hope that a
business isn't still using 10-year-old DOS-based software in their commercial
operations).  I would imagine that most people still sticking to PGP 2.x are
doing so because they've used it for years and are comfortable with it, and by
extension would be individual users who fall under the free-use terms.  It
seems like a bit of a non-issue to me - as Derek said, make it a MUST NOT
generate 2.x-style keys but SHOULD still support the message format, that'll
have the required effect.


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