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RE: Dash-escaping clarification

2003-03-10 03:51:54

I don't see how there would be a problem in reversing the

- bullet point
- - bullet point
and reverses back to
- bullet point

random text
- random text
and reverses back to
random text

MAY means: arbitrary lines may get a dash-escape, others do not.
so how do you manage to recognise which leading "- " were there
before encoding and which were not, without looking at the
following text?
Now this is easy: a sequence "- -" becomes "-" and "- From" becomes
"From", anything else is left unchanged.
But if any other lines MAY be escaped, looking at the context
doesn't help any more. Dashes are used also to mark insertions
- at least in german this is common - and how can a parser find
out if the "- " in the above line is intentional? or that in the next?
- From all solutions I prefer not to allow escaping other then
those starting with "-" or "From" - it simply works, and I think
your solution won't. Maybe it will take a while, but one day
we may worry about another head-aching problem introduced in the
long ago 2003-version of pgp, and can't help it in other ways
as to once again restrict it to all the odd cases which become
relevant or change the MAY to a MUST - ending up with CRLF beeing
extendet to "CRLF- ".

Dominikus Scherkl

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