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Re: Subpacket clarification

2003-03-13 14:48:34

On Thursday, Mar 13, 2003, at 14:15 US/Eastern, David Shaw wrote:
  An implementation SHOULD put the two mandatory subpackets, creation
  time and issuer, as the first subpackets in the subpacket list,
  simply to make it easier for the implementer to find them.

I've always interpreted "easier" as "faster" in that sentence.

Thanks. It might be good to explicitly say so. In fact, "easier for the implementor" cannot logically apply to the resource requirements of a run. The implementor has to do a fixed amount of work to implement the complete and correct algorithm, regardless of where the packets are generally placed.

You could say "easier for the implementation" of course:

  An implementation SHOULD put the two mandatory subpackets, creation
  time and issuer, as the first subpackets in the subpacket list,
  simply to make it easier for the implementation to find them.

This is still easy to misread for those not-so-well-versed in English. How about:

  An implementation SHOULD put the two mandatory subpackets, creation
  time and issuer, as the first subpackets in the subpacket list,
  simply to make it less costly -on average- for the implementation
  to find them.

Now come up with some better wording...

Jeroen C. van Gelderen - jeroen(_at_)vangelderen(_dot_)org

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This was a lie and we could not let them publish it."
  -- Nelba Blandon,
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