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Re: Suggested DER Prefixes

2003-05-29 17:41:13

Derek Atkins <derek(_at_)ihtfp(_dot_)com> writes:
"Jeroen C. van Gelderen" <jeroen(_at_)vangelderen(_dot_)org> writes:
Hmm... if I read you correctly that would imply that AES-256 with a
key containing 128 bits of entropy is less secure than AES-128 with a
key containing 128 bits of entropy. Do you know of a document where
this would be explained?

I certainly did not say "less secure", did I?  It's certainly much SLOWER,

"very slightly slower", although given people's obsession with speed at any
cost I guess it'd be safe to say "unacceptably (to the user) slower".


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