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Re: "Yes, I can handle PGP/MIME"

2004-04-16 05:48:19

Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder wrote:

- some people are not able to or do not want to use PGP/MIME for whatever reason
 - PGP/MIME might be replaced by yet another standard in the future.

To add to that,

  - email itself is being overtaken by IM.

I read somewhere (can't recall where) that the IM
traffic already exceeds that of email.  Thinking
in terms of "OpenPGP is for email" is akin to saying
"dinosaurs rule the earth" ... it's only true for so

I think, since userid are quite tightly bound to email addresses, that a way to tell the sender how the key owner expects to receive digitally signed/encrypted email is something that would solve an actual problem.

Why can't you invent a convention that adjusts the
userid to include an OpenPGP/MIME hint?  It could be
some small char like *, or some longer string:

   Ian Grigg <iang(_at_)systemics(_dot_)com>   *
   Iang <iang(_at_)iang(_dot_)org>   MIME++"
   <i(_at_)iang(_dot_)org>   I'm a lover of OpenPGP/MIME

This is what we did in our use of OpenPGP for a
different application:

   Ian Grigg [certification] (dss2) <issuer(_at_)iang(_dot_)org>

The application goes searching for words in square
brackets.  If you wanted to use the same convention,
then, add in [MIME] to each userid.


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