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Converting mailbody to UTF-8 before encryption?

2004-05-26 09:31:14


regarding to chapter 3.4 of the rfc2440bis-10 "the character set for
text is the UTF-8 encoding of Unicode".

Does this mean I have to convert e.g. the text body (text/plain) of a
mail to UTF-8 before encryption? Until today I thought this concerns
only user ids, URIs, notations etc and data to be encrypted is handled
as a binary stream.

This question sounds silly but I have some problems to handle the
decrypted data of "OpenPGP compliant" programs sent by famous mail

One mail client plugin does convert every mail to UTF-8 (e.g. german
"umlauts" or the euro currency symbol) before encryption. There is no
special "charset" line in the ASCII armored body because UTF-8 is the
default. You can configure the mail client to use "iso-8859-1",
"iso-8859-15", "utf-8" or whatever. Nothing changes. The encrypted data
is still UTF-8.

What should another client do on decryption? Convert back from UTF-8?
Handle the byte stream as is?

Here some examples:

CryptoEx does convert on encryption not on clear signing
PGP does not convert at all
GnuPG does not convert at all

I am a little bit confused.

Best Regards,

Holger Sesterhenn

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