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Re: Trailing whitespace in dash-escaping?

2004-12-19 12:32:55

On Fri, Dec 17, 2004 at 12:55:23PM -0800, Jon Callas wrote:

Section 7 (dash-escaping) says:

   Also, any trailing whitespace -- spaces (0x20) and tabs (0x09) -- at
   the end of any line is removed when the cleartext signature is

Should this be changed / removed? I am inclined think so, given that we 
removed other things about trailing whitespace.

I'm not sure.  I was (and remain) in favor of leaving trailing
whitespace alone on the "binary" signature, but cleartext signatures
are a slightly different beast.

Unlike signatures over literal packets, which are protected by their
binary or ASCII armor shell, the clearsigned message has its text out
in the open, and ripe for mangling by mail systems, cut and paste
errors, and so on.  I think we should leave it as defined now.


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