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Forward Secrecy

2005-02-24 09:18:20

This I-D has been through WG last call back in 2001 or so. At that point, something went wrong and it got sat on. Unfortunately, I didn't have time before the deadline to convert it to the new format, but it now is, and I'd like to try to introduce it as a work item for the WG. I'll send it to the I-D editor, but in the meantime, its available here:

Forward Secrecy Extensions for OpenPGP

"The confidentiality of encrypted data depends on the secrecy of the key needed to decrypt it. If one key is able to decrypt large quantities of data, its compromise will be disastrous. This memo describes three methods for limiting this vulnerability for OpenPGP messages: reducing the lifetime of confidentiality keys; one-time keys; and the additional use of lower-layer security services."

Comments, please!




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