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Re: Meet in Paris?

2005-07-25 17:48:12

I'd be happy to put you on for 5-10 minutes?  I really don't
think it will slow down 2440bis.


Simon Josefsson <jas(_at_)extundo(_dot_)com> writes:

Derek Atkins <derek(_at_)ihtfp(_dot_)com> writes:


Do the members of this working group feel we need a meeting
in Paris?  I think we might want to meet in order to consider
work beyond 2440bis (e.g. PFS, Mail-Headers, or other work
that's been proposed).

I would likely be around to talk about the OpenPGP mail header [1], if
there is interest.  Feedback from OpenPGP experts on the usefulness of
adding a "supports" token to the header is one open issue that may be
useful to discuss.

I'd hate to see anything slow down 2440bis further though.


       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant

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