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Re: OpenPGP Minutes / Quick Summary

2006-07-15 06:32:06

Ian G <iang(_at_)systemics(_dot_)com> writes:

in two weeks.  He asked if we really still have enough interest to
remain a working group.  In particular do we have 10 reviewers working
on the draft.  The Chair was tasked with asking the mailing list and
seeing how many reviewers we really have.  If we do not have
sufficient quorum then Sam will shut us down and ask that any future
work be submitted as individual drafts (including taking 2440bis(ter?)
to Draft Standard).

Does he mean, 10 people on the mailing list
that comment on the draft?  That should be
easy to show.

He means 10 people on the mailing list that comment on the
drafts.  Basically, the question is:  how many people do we
have reading and commenting on drafts.  Even a comment "I have
read this draft and see nothing wrong with it" counts.  But
he wants to know that we have at least 10 people willing to
do that in order to keep moving forward.

I can understand there not being more than
10 people showing up to the meeting.  It's
very expensive to attend those things, and
this has been going on for a decade or so.

Yeah, I understand.

There are probably 10 implementations out
there...  Of the implementations I know:

I'm not sure that the number of implementations necessarily maps
to the number of people who are reviewing the drafts.   It SHOULD
map, but doesn't necessarily map.

(Thanks for the other comments, too).

And thank you for your involvement.



       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant