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Re: ArcFour for OpenPGP [Re: Camellia for OpenPGP]

2007-04-25 04:05:47

Simon Josefsson wrote:

I'd rather just declare RC4 as broken and move on, though.

I'd be much happier there too. But Dani declared a valid use case, and assuming that it "takes off" there is still an issue.

Jon's "process email" indicated that if an informational style RFC was written, then that is all that is needed, that covers all the finickety details that surround the best way to use this algorithm. It becomes a MAY algorithm, and everyone is happy.

The numbers issue then appears orthogonal to brokenness.

However, I'm curious whether there is no other fast stream algorithm that can compete with RC4? RC4 is very old, and there is a conference (FSE?) devoted to this area, surely something has popped out in the last decade or so?
