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Re: Camellia draft

2007-05-12 12:30:38

On Thu, May 03, 2007 at 11:02:19AM -0700, Jon Callas wrote:

It has not.  The registry is created with 2440bis, but since 2440bis
hasn't been published yet it does not have a number.  I'm using 2440
as a "least incorrect" placeholder until the real number is available.

I would argue that 2440bis would be the least incorrect placeholder.


I have one suggestion that that would be for a small note on  
interoperability. Something like:

Note that while the OpenPGP cipher negotiation prevents  
interoperability problems with messages, if Camillia (or any other  
optional cipher) is used for encrypting private keys, there could be  
interoperability problems when migrating a private key from one  
system to another.

Good point.  I did this:

   Note that while OpenPGP cipher negotiation prevents
   interoperability problems with public key encrypted messages, if
   Camellia (or any other optional cipher) is used for encrypting
   private keys, there could be interoperability problems when
   migrating a private key from one system to another.  A similar
   issue can arise when using an optional cipher for symmetric-only
   encrypted messages (which may not perform cipher negotiation).
   Senders of such messages should take care they are using a cipher
   that their intended recipient can decrypt.


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