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Re: [openpgp] Fingerprint, Base32 or Base32C?

2015-04-28 12:14:57
On 4/28/15 at 10:01 AM, phill(_at_)hallambaker(_dot_)com (Phillip Hallam-Baker) wrote:

32768 words is very do-able. Hunspell English has 621,180 by the
looks. Not quite a million but it is quite likely we could get there
with affixation rules, plurals, etc.

Do remember that, as languages go, English has a rather large vocabulary. I don't know of any languages where 32K is a problem, but when over 100K or so, there is a problem. Also, even in English, we may want to limit the words to common words with different pronunciations, avoiding the there, their, they're problem.

While this group probably won't pick the word list, we do need to keep it relatively small.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz        | There are now so many exceptions to the
408-356-8506       | Fourth Amendment that it operates only by | accident.  -  William Hugh Murray

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